Premier Political Consulting Firm | Washington DC
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Founded in 2003, The Frost Group is a premier political consulting firm specializing in campaign, PAC, and non-profit fundraising.

With more than 35 years of collective experience, The Frost Group provides tailored strategies for each client, ensuring that we surpass each client’s unique fundraising needs.

We are proud to have worked with over 70 Members of Congress, Senators, candidates, non-profits, and federal and super PACs. We have produced extraordinary results for our clients, raising over $200 million. The Frost Group has played a key role in generating the financing to elect twenty new Members of Congress and has helped three Senators make the jump from the House to the Senate.

In the 2022 cycle, we had the most successful cycle of any fundraising firm – helping re-elect all our incumbents and five new Members of Congress.

In the 2020 cycle, we worked with 12 Freshmen, including 9 Frontline Members, setting them each up for success their first cycle in DC.

In the 2018 cycle, we set the pace for Freshman House fundraising, helping one of our clients out-raise all peers in both parties.

What makes The Frost Group shine is our unwavering commitment to personal attention, strategic planning, and professional execution. We have you covered on all aspects of fundraising: finance plan development and implementation, staff hiring and training, online fundraising, direct mail oversight, social media, and whatever it takes to make your finance operation run flawlessly.